watt’s picture of the week – friday, march 13, 2015

maybe brothers?

maybe brothers?

I know it’s friday the thirteenth but let me tell you about the geese that live in and around the cement ponds at averill park in my pedro town: there’s five of them all together w/two brothers being chinese geese that only hang w/each other (story is that they were raised by some baka in an apartment who they imprinted on and then abandoned here so they only had each other to bond to), a female african goose paired w/a mixed chinese and finally a solitary male african who I guess might’ve arrived here w/the female but maybe lost her to the mixed who’s big time territorial w/the female, her being this little park’s only lady goose… actually neither the african male or the china brothers seem very interested in her anyway… I visit these geese ‘pert-near every morning I’m home and observe all three’s different dynamics: the brothers, the pair and then man alone. I don’t get too close but I have learned some of their sounds and have in that way have figured how to calm them when they start going off and screaming (the lady kind of honks) w/calmer sounds and whispers. now I don’t get too close or ever try to touch them cuz that would be a bumrush and they deserve respect, I believe. we got a buttload of ducks (mainly mallards but some pekins who were mostly likely dumped here when the “xmas present” grew up) but the geese run the show here. by the way, why do morons feed these birds bread? don’t they know it’s baka?!

definitely a couple

definitely a couple

man alone

man alone

photos by mike watt

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Mike Watt

About Mike Watt

On bass
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One Response to watt’s picture of the week – friday, march 13, 2015

  1. Oh, geese will fuck you up. As a teenage South Bay park dweller I learnedthat if they attack you, you should go down into a squat and run at them squatting while waving your arms. It is hilarious but effective.

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