Hootenanny 2012 – Orange County


 Hot cars, hot women, tattoos, and some hard rocking music. Hootenanny is an annual culture and music festival on the outskirts of Orange County. It is the definitive Orange County music happening. Here’s our photos from our day at the festival. Featured bands are Rancid and The Reverend Horton Heat who headlined. Great stuff from our neighbors to the South.








Brian Michaels

About Brian Michaels

Brian Michaels is grew up in the Fairfax District of Los Angeles in the glory days of the late 1960s and 70s. Only a stone's throw from the Sunset Strip, Michaels had an early education in rock music. Michaels attended his first punk rock show at the age of 14 at the Whiskey a Go Go and has been going strong ever since. Brian is a defense attorney by profession but adds photography and writing to a list of his many passions outside of the his job. Brian can be found on the web at www.exlaprosecutor.com.
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6 Responses to Hootenanny 2012 – Orange County

  1. Shirley Pena Shirley says:

    Speaking as a woman who has lived in California for most of her life, it would DELIGHT me to no end to see more hot MEN than hot women at public events! And words cannot convey how utterly SICK I am of seeing tattoos on SO MANY people of ALL ages too! Tattoos are so “yesterday”:they are without a doubt the most overused/abused body adornment in current society. All the previous mystery and exotic appeal of them has simply gone down the toilet because they are too damn common today.

  2. Shirley Pena Shirley says:

    On a brighter note, it’s always a real pleasure to see “the Good Reverend” perform! When I lived in Ventura County, it was a Summer ritual to go see Reverend Horton Heat perform at The Ventura Theatre;for five years straight he NEVER missed including it on his tour itinerary, to everyone’s delight! 😀

  3. That first photo is awesome! Also, hmm…I quite like my tattoo.

  4. Brian Michaels brian says:

    Well Shirley I’m no judge of hot men, but I think my photos speak for themselves ; )

  5. Shirley Pena Shirley says:

    Take me with you Brian, if there are any around I promise you I WILL FIND THEM,lol! 😉

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