Tag Archives: heron

watt’s picture of the week – wednesday, march 25, 2020

I’m doing hobbles here in my pedro town by the waterfront these days and let NO ONE w/in twenty feet of me (and I will cross the road to get away from you, motherfucker)… luckily hardly anyone around these parts … Continue reading

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watt’s picture of the week – monday, february 25, 2019

it’s that time of year again, herons are building nests in the ten palm tree that grow near the pilot’s station (berth 68) here in my pedro town. photo by mike watt – – – – – mike watt’s hoot … Continue reading

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watt’s picture of the week – tuesday, may 22, 2018

yesterday I was by the pilot station here in my pedro town (also right near warehouse one) and crimony if I didn’t notice a great blue heron colony w/their nests all up in these nine close-by palm trees. amazing. they … Continue reading

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watt’s picture of the week – thursday, april 14, 2016

you want some bird shots from my pedro town I took yesterday? here’s two faces and two yangs from the four geese who run our averill park. and here’s a heron perched near where I got a prac pad at … Continue reading

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