Thanks to our pals at Intoxica Radio for the tip on Jimmy Severe’s Punk Rock Advent Calendar. Severe and his Blue Christmas Boys are covering the gamut of holiday favorites, unveiling a new track each day right up to the 25th. They’re free to download, and the tracks unveiled so far have been a raucous good time in the firm traditions of late-seventies England. “Angels We Have Heard On High” never occurred to me as a potential Oi anthem, but it turns out that “Glaw-aw-aw-aw-awria in eck-selsis day-o!” makes for a perfect shouty chorus. Even with only six of the tracks available so far, I nominate this as the funnest punk holiday release since Gulcher gave us Xmas Snertz all those years ag0.
Photo, of Jay from Bad Religion who has nothing to do with this but looks good in a Santa suit, by Kallao courtesy of flickr Creative Commons.