I know, Chick-Fil-A lovers, it’s a bitter pill to swallow. Chick-Fil-A is finally opening up around town, meaning no more tedious drives into Torrance. And now this. According to Equality Matters, Chick Fil-A funds anti-gay agendas. You already put up with them closing Sundays because of their Christian beliefs. But this is pretty egregious. In 2009 (uh, yeah, we are working on more up-to-date stats) their charitable organization, WinShape gave more then 1.7 million dollars to anti-gay groups, including Marriage CoMission, Eagle Forum, Exodus International, and Focus on the Family, which claims “The homosexual agenda is a beast. It wants our kids.”
Many of you will immediately shun Chick Fil-A, but I know some of you are now lost in a confusing, whirling vortex of morality versus delicious, delicious chicken. I hear you. I have been condemned by more than one friend for buying bean pies. In the end, it’s between you and your conscience. By the way, Exodus International considers being LBGT “perverse” and a kind of of “sexual brokenness.” Just saying. You been to Zankou lately? Their garlic sauce kicks ass.