A new animated series called Muertoons is being produced by Wilmer Valderrama (“That ’70s Show”), who also voices one of the characters. Created by Eric Gonzales with contributor and artist Erich Haeger, the cartoon stars five sugar skull friends and is focused around the Mexican Holiday and celebration, “Día De Los Muertos”. Muertoons will also feature the voice of Alexa PenaVega (“Spy Kids”), as well as music from film composer Klaus Badelt (“Pirates of the Caribbean”, “Ultraviolet”, “The Others”).
Wilmer Valderrama will introduce the cartoon along with Gonzales and Haeger today at 4pm at the Northgate Gonzales Market located at 944 E. Slauson Ave in Los Angeles.
“Muertoons is a universal story for the entire family that fills the void of Latino community representation with content that is designed to be shared by families across generations,” says Valderrama. “Today is not about forcing audiences to tune in to a specific time or place, but rather allowing them to opt in wherever they are. We are excited to make Muertoons available at the universal family meeting place: grocery. We are blessed that Northgate Gonzalez Market shares our vision.” Watch the latest episode here.
Images via Muertoons site