If you were a kid any time during the 70s and 80s, the odds are you watched “Schoolhouse Rock,” a collection of animated educational films that aired between Saturday morning cartoons. The catchy jingles, along with charming animation by Tom Yohe have made the series a beloved memory from many a childhood.
Monday night at 8pm Cinefamily will present Bob Dorough at the Echoplex. Dorough will be playing the popular classics that he wrote and sang, such as “Three is a Magic Number,” and “The Shot Heard Round the World.” In the past he has also performed numbers he wrote that were sung by other performers, like “Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla” and “Conjunction Junction.” Performing with Dorough will be Jennifer Leitham on bass, John Chiodini on guitar, and Herman Matthews on drums.
First conceptualized by advertising agent David McCall to help his son with his homework. “Schoolhouse Rock” started out as a children’s record, and an animated version soon sold to ABC as 3-minute sponsored segments. 37 episodes of “Multiplication Rock,” “Grammar Rock,” “America Rock,” “Science Rock,” and the obscure and the quickly obsolete “Computer Rock” were recorded. The show was later reprised adding “Earth Rock” and “Money Rock.” Tickets are only $20, so get yours today. Knowledge is power.