This Sunday, June 5, a wondrous installation by Australian artist Amanda Parer will hit LA on the 3rd leg of its national tour. The piece, titled “Intrude,” features gigantic sculptural rabbits, “sewn in white nylon, inflated and internally lit.” For this tour of Intrude, “Arts Brookfield commissioned two giant rabbits, each scaling over two-stories in height, with one approximately 39 feet high and the other 39 feet long. These rabbits will join Intrude’s five original sculptures.”
The installation spans three Brookfield properties:
Bank of America Plaza (333 South Hope Street)
Wells Fargo Center (330 South Hope Street) on Bunker Hill
FIGat7th (735 South Figueroa Street) in Downtown LA
The tour “celebrates more than 25 years of Arts Brookfield’s animation of non-traditional spaces with world-class arts and cultural experiences that are free and accessible to the public.” The bunnies will be on exhibit through Saturday, June 11th.
*delighted squeal*
Little bunnies should be everywhere downtown the following weekend. I mean…rabbits!