“North Crescent Drive” is an independent short film directed by and starring Raymond Parker, currently making the rounds at festivals like the Independent Filmmakers Showcase and the California International Shorts Festival. Self-aware neo-noir with a touch of humor, it’s the story of a somewhat prissy art authentication expert who meets up with a woman he believes has stolen a painting from one of his wealthy clients.
Reginald Diamond (Parker) is a fish-out-of-water the moment he walks into a dimly lit bar, and especially when he orders a high-end whiskey that the bartender doesn’t even stock. He gets in further out of his depth when he thinks he’s got his would-be thief, Celeste Monroe (Roxanne Jaeckel), right where he wants her, only to discover that her story is more complicated than he thinks. And that this case might put him in danger. Is she a femme fatale? Or does that title belong to his client?
“North Crescent Drive” feels like a teaser for a future feature-length film; here’s hoping the movie gets made, so we can find out what the likeable Reginald will do next.