“Mulatto Math: Summing Up The Race Equation in America” is a very entertaining, cool, and enlightening one-woman show starring talented singer/actress Monique DeBose. The plot revolves around a Mulatto woman’s experiences growing up mixed in America. The original, soulful, and thought-provoking play is directed with flair by Denise Dowse. The upbeat and brave Ms. DeBose plays multiple characters. “I am on a fierce mission to raise the consciousness of ALL people and unite us in love at a time when it is so desperately needed…” says Ms. DeBose.
I think the eye-opening “Mulatto Math” will help this happen. It’s a very candid piece which entertains and educates people at the same time with plaintive, poignant, and humorous stories and songs. The very likable Ms. DeBose sings beautifully as well. Her interaction with various family members on both sides is insightful and funny–her mother is white and her father is black, and they met while serving overseas in the Peace Corps. After they married, they settled in Los Angeles, where she and her siblings were born and raised.
Besides being a great singer, the very motivated and intelligent Ms. DeBose is also very educated and has traveled internationally performing. I enjoyed “Mulatto Math” and Ms. DeBose’s unique journey of self-discovery. Visit her website to learn more about the show and Ms. DeBose’s work as a singer, actress, keynote speaker and workshop facilitator.
“Mulatto Math” is presented by MdB Productions and is playing at Whitefire Theatre 13500 Ventura Blvd. Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 through May 6, 2018. $22.