Paul is Dead is a 14-minute short film written and directed by London-based filmmaker George Moore. Paul is Dead, now available for free viewing on Vimeo, tells the story of how Billy Shears came to replace Paul McCartney in 1967. For anyone unclear on how this situation came to unfold back in the day, this funny, irreverent yet poignant film should answer all your questions. The film stars actual Liverpudlians–well, at least one for sure– with genuine accents. Paul Is Dead’s success has enabled George and his team of co-writers and producers to pursue a feature adaptation, so keep an eye out for the film! Visit the website for more info. (Bob Lee)
Le Butcherettes and Bikini Kill in concert at Palladium in Hollywood tonight, with Alicia Velasquez aka Alice Bag performing a blistering song with Le Butcherettes – furiously and sexily powerful. So badass cool! Bikini Kill co-founded a Revolution Grrrl Style with Bratmobile (Allison Wolfe!), putting a name with a punk rock fervor to feminism: riot grrrl. riot grrrl truly saved my life when my best friend Dennis John Mason told me about it back in 1992. Le Butcherettes webpage. (Lucretia Tye Jasmine).
Bronson Canyon. Main exit from the Bat Cave. Home to Ro-Man, Dracula, Star Creatures, Crab Monsters, a triangle-shaped Venusian, the Cyclops, Shazam, Invisible Invaders and various dragons, dinosaurs, Nazis, cannibals and aliens . Where John Wayne spared Natalie Wood’s life and Joel McRae and Randolph Scott rode the High Country. It sheltered Kevin McCarthy and Dana Wynter from pod people. The U.S.S. Enterprise visited at least eight times in 30 years. It’s been Shangri-La, Vietnam, Haiti, the Phantom Empire, the long-distant past and an unimaginable future. And it really screws up Ash’s time travel plans. You can get there via Canyon Drive from Franklin. Park at Camp Hollywood land. Bronson Canyon Park. (Paul Gaita)
Banberry Pie Strawberries are in season and it’s time for this specialty pie from Polly’s. This diner/bakery is a Southland chain; the closest locations to Downtown are in Cerritos and Long Beach. The bottom layer of their signature pie is banana cream pie topped with a layer of strawberry pie. It’s the perfect combo, because strawberry pie can be too sweet or too tart, and banana cream pies can be boring, so it’s a match made in pie heaven. Other places, like Coco’s, have tried to imitate it, but their version is crappy. Why would you put a chocolate crust on that pie? You must go to Polly’s, where they will put any kind of pie in a blender and make you a milkshake if you want. Find that pie! (Elise Thompson)