Written by Paul Koudounaris
Gosh Burning Man was fun . . . actually it was fine for me, I took off as soon as the rain started and got out before it was locked down, and here are some photos from two lovely days. As I was driving out the catastrophe was already unfolding, the ground was turning into quicksand and the road out was littered in cars that had already been stuck. As I passed them (thank you Jeep, thank you offroad tires) a man jumped out of a Mercedes that was stuck in the mud and started screaming at me and waving a handful of cash. He ran to my car and told me he’d give me a thousand dollars if I could get him off the playa in my Jeep and drop him off at the airport in Reno. Bribe accepted, and I spent the next two days exploring ghost towns. Enjoy the photos, the conditions were lovely during that brief period.