The Reverb Still Echoes After Surf Guitar 101

The Insect Surfers. Photo by Ted Kane

The annual Surf Guitar 101 Festival overtook the Golden Sails Hotel in Long Beach the last weekend of July, and the wave of bands was so powerful that the undertow could be felt at nearby venues like the Bamboo Club and Supply and Demand through the following week. Over two dozen bands bands from all over the world played on two stages during the three days of the event, including reunion sets from the Ghastly Ones and Untamed Youth, the Surfaris, the great Australian guitarist Martin Cilia, and a 45th anniversary performance by the Insect Surfers. Other attractions included a marketplace featuring cool guitar gear, vinyl and CDs, vintage clothes and other Tiki paraphernalia, as well as burlesque dancers and a retro swimsuit contest.

The festival kicked off Friday night, July 26th, with the exotica-tinged sounds of the Manakooras, followed by the Insect Surfers and the Mermen. Dave Arnson led the current edition of the Insect Surfers through an celebratory set of old and new psychedelic surf on guitar, before switching to oud and welcoming a group of alumni onstage for a closing jam. The action onstage all weekend was augmented by projections of classic films, and none were more effective than the scenes from “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” that appeared behind the band just as the music had reached its Morriconean peak. Also helping to fuel the excitement was go-go dancer Kiki Flambe. The Mermen followed, led by the scorching guitar of Jim Thomas and steady bass of Jennifer Burnes, were augmented by visuals of the Creature from the Black Lagoon and the dance stylings of Miss Magnolia.

Saturday was an all-day affair on two stages. The Taboo Tiki Room featured burlesque dancers and music from the Verbtones and the Desolate Coast, while action on the mainstage was highlighted by a pair of reunions from the Untamed Youth and the Ghastly Ones, as well as an international cast that included Cilia, Mexico’s the Strings Aflame, the Whys from Japan, Greece’s Dirty Fuse and Italy’s Surfer Joe. Also performing were the Surfaris, who performed the single that provided the Italian band its namesake, along with its better-known B-side, “Wipeout.” Other performers included the Lords of Atlantis, the Scimitars and the Coffin Daggers, who, like Martin Cilia, would play again on Sunday.

Deke Dickerson has established himself so solidly in Southern California that it is easy to forget he’s originally from Missouri. Reuniting with his first band, the Untamed Youth, he reminded the crowd that his mastery of surf guitar is no less complete than it is of the more roots-oriented music he plays with groups like the Ecco-Phonics and the Whippersnappers. The Ghastly Ones were perhaps the most eagerly anticipated band of the weekend, and their long, horror movie themed set thrilled the sold out crowd.

In addition to headliners the Boss Martians and the Outta Sites, Sunday was another full day with many highlights. Willy Glover, of Long Beach’s the Pyramids, shared humorous stories about antics from the group’s heyday, including arriving at gigs on elephant back and being banned from clubs for stripping down to trunks on stage. A tribute to the Atlantics and the Shadows showcased excellent musicianship from guitarists Martin Cillia (a former member of the Atlantics) and Ivan Pongracic of the Lords of Atlantis. Other all-star configurations performing included 3 Balls of Fire and an entertaining set billed as the Legends of the 60s Jam. Though Iowa has no oceanfront to call its own, the Surf Zombies’ set showed that a determined group of surf rockers can overcome that obstacle. The Nebulas and the Volcanics also erupted on the mainstage, while the Taboo Tiki Lounge feature the Evanstones and Seatopians along with dancers and the vintage swimsuit competition.

The reverb still echoed in Long Beach after the three days of Surf Guitar 101. Many of the fans and performers from the weekend made it to the Bamboo Club the next Monday to see the Manakooras and Dirty Fuse. Dirty Fuse, having come all the way from Greece after all, stuck around Anaheim Blvd to play one more show at Supply and Demand the next night with local stalwarts Lawndale. Many of the principals of SG101 headed to Tiki Oasis in San Diego the next weekend. For the rest of us, there’s next year’s event to look forward to.


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