Author Archives: Bryan Moore

Bryan Moore

About Bryan Moore

Theatrical connoisseur, colorful raconteur of some note, sartorial gentleman about town. Coffee's for closers. Fortune favors the bold.

‘The Motherfucker with the Hat’ Theater Review

“The cycle of self-sabotage” is not only a line of dialogue from the current Studio Stage offering at the Long Beach Playhouse but is also a recurring theme that the characters cannot escape no matter how hard they may believe … Continue reading

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The 26th Annual Long Beach Sunnyside Cemetery Tour

Living history events have long been a mainstay across the globe and the 26th Annual Historical Cemetery Tour at Long Beach’s Sunnyside and Municipal Cemetery surely must be one of the finest to earn a point of place in the … Continue reading

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Theater Review: Holmes and Watson

The works of playwright Jeffrey Hatcher are excellent for two reasons: his structure of complex plots and his indulgence in the classic “whodunnit” form. In Hatchers work, said complex plots usually wrap up quite nicely at the play’s conclusion, most … Continue reading

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