Author Archives: Editor

Tiki Oasis Part 2 Saturday Photo Gallery

On Saturday there were book signings, workshops, art, shopping, parades, DJs, and pool parties galore!

Posted in Art, Attractions, Books, Cocktails, Beer, Wine & Weed, Events, Fashion, Food, Music, Photo Essays | Leave a comment

Tiki Oasis: Deke & The Whippersnappers

Friday as day turned into night, Deke and the Whippersnappers whipped up the crowd with their particular brand of honky tonk — a mix of solid rockabilly, 50s country and updated Western tunes. The rhythm guitarist jumps around the stage … Continue reading

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Tiki Oasis Part One: Friday!

Friday night was a blast at Tiki Oasis. We spent a lot of time shopping, singing along with King Kukelele, dancing to the awesome DJs, checking out the art show, and loving the live music. We even hit some workshops … Continue reading

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