Marilyn Monroe: Ever hearken back to her primary starring role and what it might have been? A Queen, a High Society Girl, A Rich Heiress? Well guess again, then again 18 times over; If you had been at this past Saturday’s Opening Night of the Dynamic Dames Film Series at Hollywood’s latest, greatest film lair by way of Arena Cinelounge, you would have divined the answer straight away and much, much more! For christening said singular retrospective in film history was that of Ms. Monroe’s, first launch in a litany of leading lady portrayals via the screening of noir thriller extraordinaire, Don’t Bother to Knock! Starring Marilyn Monroe as a psychotic babysitter, of all things, this low budget 1952 flick, was written by none other than Daniel Taradash; wordsmith of the Oscar winning classic, From Here to Eternity. Cast in said role by 20th Century Fox Studio Head Daryl Zanuck, it was said that he had great faith in Monroe’s star power and skill set in order to tackle said role (and perhaps anything averse to her character’s psychotic mind)!

(L-R) Camilla Jackson, Kathleen Hughes, Sloan De Forest, and Jim Hosney; Photo Courtesy of Harrison Held
The evening commenced with a convivial welcome by stand-out journalist Sloan De Forest. And directly preceding the screening Greg Schreiner: distinguished Marilyn Remembered Fan Club President, along with Juliet Hyde White daughter of Wilfrid Hyde White, costar of Let’s Make Love, alongside Monroe, engaged in a most rousing panel discussion with entertainment reporter/actor Harrison Held. During the Q & A to follow it would be divulged that the role of Nell Forbes in Don’t Bother to Knock was Monroe’s most cherished. Not only that, the film was so fringey-for-its-time and low budget, the actors were only ever afforded one take per scene!
Of note: The second film in the series was Leave Her to Heaven starring Gene Tierney, Cornell Wilde and Vincent Price. The Q & A hosted by Sloan De Forest made for rousing discussion and featured the likes of film connoisseurs Jim Hosney, Alicia Malone, and Emily Carman. Kathleen Hughes, introduced to film goers the world over in 1948’s Road House starring alongside Cornell Wilde, graced the festival with her presence and is said to have enjoyed the screening immensely.
The Dynamic Dames Film Series, produced by Camilla Jackson, runs through December 9th. For tickets and information, please visit: