Nig-Heist’s Long-Awaited Reunion this Saturday at SPOT’s Cornelius Projects Photo Exhibit

All photos courtesy of Mugger

Saturday night, April 21, 2018, Cornelius Projects will be hosting the opening reception for “American Myths Violated & Realities Revealed:Photographs by SPOT.” The exhibit will be open from 6 p.m. until 8:45 p.m.

“An accomplished musician and multi-instrumentalist, SPOT is best known for being the house producer and engineer for the punk record label SST Records…SPOT focused his lens primarily on non-conformists from longhaired hippies, rock musicians, and roller skaters to the early 1980s punk music scene. SPOT’s images capture and expose in black and white the energy and social climates of Southern California’s offbeat subcultures with clarity and sense of belonging … In 2014 his book Sounds of Two Eyes Opening: Southern Cali Punk/Surf/Skate Culture 69-82, Photographs by Spot was published by Sinecure Books.” (Cornelius Projects). Check out our interview with SPOT.

The festivities will continue at Harold’s Place in Pedro from 9:15 p.m.–12 a.m. with live music by 2-Bit Whore (David McIntire/M. Segal/Steve Reed/11:21) 11:30 p.m, Los Olvidados Nig? Heist? (SPOT and Mugger) 10:45 p.m, The Farmers (featuring George Hurley) 10:00 p.m and The Real Oh My (Mike Watt/Nick Reinhart/Bob Lee) 9:15 p.m. $5 at the door.

A conversation with SPOT and fellow Punk Rock instigators including Joe Carducci and Steve Reed is planned for Saturday, April 28, 2018 from 7–9 p.m. Cornelius Projects will be open Friday through Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. A red flag flies outside the door when they are open.

But we have to confess, we are almost more excited about the inclusion of Los Olvidados Nig? Heist? (SPOT and Mugger) on the bill. Led by SST accountant/roadie and sound man, Mugger (Steve Corbin), Nig-Heist was a thrown-together comic opener for Black Flag, with a revolving cast of members. Their motto was “The band that cums in your mouth, not in your hands.” They lived up to this motto by performing naked, wearing outrageous wigs, and being generally funny and disgusting.

The LA Beat spoke to Mugger about the old days and the upcoming show.

Did you consider yourselves a joke band?

The band was a joke band.

Who else was in the band?

Well…look a the pic I sent…Dezo…Chuck Biscuit…LOL…but do a Wikipedia search…

[According to Wikipedia:

Steve “Mugger” Corbin – Lead Vocals
Bill Stevenson – Guitar
David “Davo” Classen – Drums
Tom Trocolli – Bass
SPOT – Drums
Chuck Biscuits – Guitar
Merrill Ward – Guitar
Dez Cadena – Drums
Ian MacKaye – Bass
Kira Roessler – Bass [8]
Greg Ginn – Guitar
Jack Brewer – Vocals
d. Boon – Roadie]

I was at a party at the Pancake sisters’ house around ’83 and you were having a gross-out contest with the band AxIxDxS. It was said you did something nontraditional with a tampon to win … true or false?

Yes…the tampon incident is probably true LOL

One of the members of the other band, Nick, got naked and ran down the street rubbing cottage cheese on himself.

Oh wow…don’t remember him …or a lot of things back then.

Does Greg Ginn still owe you money?

No, Greg does not owe me money.

You know I had to ask…lol


What do you have planned for Saturday night? Who will be in the band?

Just me and SPOT on Saturday…really informal

What’s your biggest regret from those years?

Biggest regret?  [Selling] my part of SST Records…and [I’d] still run it.

Elise Thompson

About Elise Thompson

Born and raised in the great city of Los Angeles, this food, culture and music-loving punk rock angeleno wants to turn you on to all that is funky, delicious and weird in the city. While Elise holds down the fort, her adventurous alter ego Kiki Maraschino is known to roam the country in search of catfish.
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One Response to Nig-Heist’s Long-Awaited Reunion this Saturday at SPOT’s Cornelius Projects Photo Exhibit

  1. Pingback: Photo Essay: SPOT’s Punk Rock and Beach Culture Photo Exhibit “Ride the Wild Wheels” at Pacific Coast Gallery | The LA Beat

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