Comedy and magic duo Daniel Donahue and Eric Siegal, known as The New Bad Boys of Magic, are bringing their variety show, “Dirty Tricks,” back to The Three Clubs in Hollywood on October 19, 2019. The show starts at 8 PM (although you should get there at 7 to catch the strolling magician) and features hand selected acts, which include magicians and comedians, and have featured specialty acts like balloon artists, puppeteers, and bagpipers riding unicycles. The Bad Boys host and perform bits in-between the other acts. It is strictly 21 and over.
On October 23, 2019, The New Bad Boys will be returning to the Magic Castle to perform an abridged version of their popular show, “Coke and Mirrors,” which wowed audiences and critics alike at the Hollywood Fringe Festival two years in a row. I was able to catch “Coke and Mirrors” at the Magic Castle recently. Donahue and Siegal perform some standard card tricks as well as several dazzling and befuddling illusions. But the real show is the act that complements the magic.
Both hailing from Chicago, The Bad Boys have a background in improv from the world-famous Second City. The duo has honed a smooth and practiced patter taking place between an innocent Daniel Donahue and a worldly and somewhat corrupt Eric Siegal. The two magicians play off of each other brilliantly as naïve Donahue is confused by Siegal’s quick asides, which tend to reference sex and drugs (wink, wink).
The most impressive thing about these two prestidigitators is their ability to read an audience. They could be successful con men if they decided to turn to the dark side. On their first try at The Magic Castle, they chose a “volunteer” who was a bit wooden, and quickly changed him out for a middle-aged man well in his cups. The new volunteer is both amazed and good-natured about being tricked. He has the perfect attitude, “Gosh darn it, how did you guys get that card into my pants pocket? You GUYSSSS!”His wife howls and claps whenever the naughtier Siegal refers to her using exaggerated out-of-date slurs, like “floozy.”
Make sure to catch The New Bad Boys of Magic at the Three Clubs as it is their last variety show there until January. If you have an “in” at the private “Academy of Magic,” we highly recommend “Coke and “Mirrors,” as well as dinner with Chef Fullilove in the dining room.