Hold Up Art is a small gallery that has recently opened downtown in Little Tokyo. The gallery offers an open bar (beer, wine and water, no hard liquor or soda) and hip music. It’s surrounded by eclectic shops, delicious restaurants and ample $5.00 parking lots.
One of the major differences between Hold Up Art and other galleries is that the owners; Brian Lee and Ben Kauffman hang and sell prints, not just originals on their walls. While other galleries may think that this would devalue originals, Brian and Ben are making cool art more attainable to the under $200.00 folks; therefore letting more local artists sell their art and more folks like us buy it.
Last Saturday was the opening of the Sunny Bak “Boys and Dogs” exhibition. Sunny Bak is a world-renowned photographer who photographed the Beastie Boys during their “Licensed to Ill” tour. She also worked with Garrett Simmons on a book called “Pupple” which is a doggy parody of “People“.

The dogs used in the photos shoots were at the gallery, and they were very much the stars of the show. Some of them were need of adoption, living in foster homes. Ginger the dog won this pretty lady Helen’s heart and she ended up keeping the dog for good.
The ultra cool thing about the Hold Up Art gallery is that it has 2 levels so there are actually 2 art shows going on at the same time. The other artist on display was simply named “Kraken”.

Kraken’s giclee reproductions, handmade silkscreen prints and drawings were beautiful and incredibly detailed. I was happy to be exposed to Kraken’s art as well.
Hold Up Art is a cool place- 2 different art shows at one location, nice unpretentious people, open bar, great location, happy music. I will go back and look around again soon.
Hold Up Art – 358 E. 2nd Street Los Angeles 90012
Sunny Bak “Boys & Dogs” October 8th– November 2nd
Kraken “Fantasmas” September 17th– October 20th
Kraken “Fantasmas” September 17th– October 20th
To help a doggy in need, go to: onedogatatime.org
karen, how cool to read this again after nearly a year. My ginger was so little. Only 8 lbs then and had only been with me one month, now she’s 11 lbs and so confident. I love her so much. Of course “Disco Ginger” hangs in my living room. Thanks for your lovely story, photos and mentioning us.