David Garcia:

David Garcia, a Southern California Walmart-contracted warehouse worker, was recently fired by Walmart for exercising his right to speak out for safe work conditions at a Walmart-contracted warehouse in Southern California. Photo courtesy of David Garcia.
“Hello to everyone at the LA Beat!
Working conditions in the Walmart-contracted warehouses are bad. We are temporary workers, we make minimum wage, we have no job security, no sick days and we work in extreme temperatures lifting heavy boxes for hours on end. Just a few months ago we had to pay for our own security equipment, we had no fans, and inadequate access to clean water. When we started speaking out, conditions started to improve. The company is now fixing broken equipment that led to many serious injuries.
Now we must end retaliation we have suffered just for standing up for safe, decent jobs. JOIN US Thursday, Nov. 15 at 9:00 am as we rally in the Inland Empire in front of the warehouse, to call for an end to retaliation against workers who are speaking out for safe jobs at Walmart-contracted warehouses.
We thank you for your support. We shouldn’t have to fight about things like drinking water, but we are and with your help we are winning. Thanks for your support in our fight to end unsafe work conditions and retaliation to Walmart warehouse workers who speak out for change!”
Please visit David’s Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/events/298495166918880/
Join Warehouse Workers Nov. 15
Rally with Warehouse Workers to End Retaliation
Thursday, November 15
9 a.m. – Meet
10 a.m. – Rally at a nearby warehouse
11 a.m. – Speakers
Warehouse Workers United:
“Hello Los Angeles Beat readers,
Warehouse workers like David Garcia were recently terminated, and others have been demoted or had their hours dramatically cut, just for speaking up for a safe work place.
There is good news: Since workers went on strike the first time this September, the company that operates the warehouse has been scrambling to rent fans, add water coolers and fix broken equipment. Now workers no longer have to pay for their own safety equipment. With your support, conditions are improving.
Unfortunately, the workers who risked their jobs to win humane working conditions are still being punished and retaliated against. For this reason, workers are prepared to strike again.
One way you can support workers in Walmart’s entire supply chain is to sign our joint petition. Six members of the Walton family, who own half the company, have more wealth than the bottom 42% of American families combined. Walmart is the largest private-sector employer in the world. Walmart must ensure that all workers who help enrich the company are respected and not retaliated against for speaking up.
Retaliation anywhere in Walmart’s supply chain should not be tolerated, and workers are speaking up, despite the risks. Walmart workers announced they will make “Black Friday”, the day after Thanksgiving and the biggest shopping day, a national day of action to end retaliation at Walmart.
Stand with Walmart workers in their fight for their rights. For decades, Walmart Stores, Inc have dragged down wages, forcing their workers to work irregular schedules, and intimidated and took retribution on any workers who fought back. It’s time for the retribution to end, so come to this local Walmart to show your solidarity and tell Walmart that they need to pay their fair share.” – Warehouse Workers United
Black friday at Walmart #2568 Panorama City, CA
November 23 • 12:00 pm
8333 Van Nuys Blvd, Panorama City, CA
Stand with Walmart workers in their fight for their rights. For decades, Walmart Stores, Inc have dragged down wages, forcing their workers to work irregular schedules, and intimidated and took retribution on any workers who fought back. It’s time for the retribution to end, so come to this local Walmart to show your solidarity and tell Walmart that they need to pay their fair share.
Black Friday at Walmart #5435 San Jose, CA
November 23 • 12:00 pm
777 Story Rd, San Jose, CA
Stand with Walmart workers in their fight for their rights in San Jose, CA. For decades, Walmart Stores, Inc have dragged down wages, forcing their workers to work irregular schedules, and intimidated and took retribution on any workers who fought back. It’s time for the retribution to end, so come to this local Walmart to show your solidarity and tell Walmart that they need to pay their fair share. This Walmart store also houses Walmart’s Corporate Market Offices (management, human resources, etc…), so join Walmart Workers from all over the South Bay at a rally Walmart will never forget!