Politics are normally not referenced as a part of entertainment or dining, but Los Angeles’ Mayor Eric Garcetti’s pending budget will influence what the future of this city will look like.
Mayor Garcetti is seeking a “return to basics” by instituting “performance based budgeting” which means that items that produce results will be funded and those that don’t won’t be funded. As Deputy Mayor Rick Cole so elegantly noted:
“Everyone likes services, but nobody likes paying for them.”
Thus the budgeting 101 town meetings. Again, Deputy Mayor Cole, pointed out: “We have an apple tree; everyone wants apples; but no one has been watering the apple tree!” The one in “South Los Angeles” (but which was attended by folks from the Valley, South Bay and other far flugn parts of Los Angeles was the second in the series of three meetings. The people spoke about their concerns, demonstrating that many of the concerns are city-wide! Among the ordinary speakers:
After being introduced by City Council President, Herb Wesson, the mayor Eric Garcetti responded:
The final meeting is coming up on February 3, 2014 at the Shepard of the Hills Church!

City Budget 101
Check out all of the videos from that day: