All Photos by Billy Bennight for The Los Angeles Beat
Lucky Strike Live hosted a night Bowling with Bunnies to benefit the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. Of course, there where Playboy Bunnies, some in traditional costumes and others wearing black shorty shorts and tops so they could bowl with ease. Live music rang throughout the venue as all enjoyed the festive atmosphere. I got the unlikely pleasure of seeing Deryck Whibley of Sum 41 play with his band Deryck Whibley and the Happiness Machines. I later cavorted with Bunnies and Rock stars in the VIP area I discovered. The VIP area filled with Rock Stars and bunnies all having a lively time! It was a great night for fun and a wonderful opportunity to give back as well to help with the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank for feeding people for the holidays! Here’s the photo set. Enjoy the views!
Photo Gallery after the Break
About Billy Bennight
Billy Bennight is a writer and photographer with expertise and years of experience in these disciplines. His musical youth started as a Punk Rocker and has expanded into exploring many genres of music, with a keen interest in art, fashion, photography, and writing. He shoots celebrity and red-carpet events for ZUMA Press. He is also a member of the Los Angeles Art Association. His images have been published in The Los Angeles Times, People Magazine, Parade, Wall Street Journal, and French Elle, both Vanity Fair and Vanity Fair Italia. He's very engaged in life. You an see more of his work at ZUMA Press at http://zuma.press/srp.html?SRCH=Billy+Bennight&timerange=&viewType=&PDS=&PAGENO=1 You can follow him on his Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/billybennightartist and on Instagram and Twitter @billybennight