“The Beast Must Die” (1952, Flicker Alley) Argentinean adaptation, and the first of three film versions of the 1938 thriller by Nicholas Blake (pen name for Daniel Day-Lewis’s father, Cecil), with Narcisco Ibanez Menta as a mystery author who adopts a new identity to ferret out and kill the man responsible for his young son’s death. Icy and ultra-rare noir is delivered with an emotional intensity that at times, borders on hysteria, but also lays bare the ugliness of the initial death and the monstrous behavior of the “beast” in question (Guillermo Battaglia) in a way that Stateside thrillers couldn’t touch. Flicker Alley’s Blu-ray offers restored images, extensive liner notes and video intro by noir historian Eddie Muller, an interview with director Roman Vinoly Barretto’s son, and an appreciation for the elegant Menta, who also co-wrote the script.
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